Phone/Data Clean
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Phone/Data Clean Topic

With the frequently upgrade of portable devices in the market, you may wish to resell, donate or send the old devices to others, right? Then you may wish to know the ways to erase data on your device with zero opportunity of restoring, right? If so, then you can find the ways you need in this topic center. Just go through them and pick up the articles you're interested in for detailed reading.

Feature Articles

How to Delete Photos from Android Phone Permanently? [5 Efficient Ways]

Do you know how to permanently delete photos from Android? This guide teaches you how to do it in 5 dependable ways, including the one to delete pics permanently without being recoverable.

5 Best Ways to Permanently Delete Photos from iPhone or iPad

Here are 5 fast and easy ways to permanently delete photos from iPhone or iPad. With the help of this tutorial, you will be able to erase photos from iPhone or iPad completely and easily. Browse it now!

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